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I have some very profound changes occuring on my sim The Nameless Isle, to my store RELIC, and with my inworld partner Sue Stonebender whose store is called Serendipity Studios.

I'm sitting on this announcement because it's hard to make..and likely will drop the note and log out simply because my sim is my baby and I would prefer not to be emotional. Anyways..big news.


Hello everyone,

It's been a long long year with many changes and unexpected turns. I have some news to share with everyone regarding the store, The Nameless Isle SIM and my website at "Ning". After the economy took a dive, my real life has had some unexpected turns as well and by adapting, I've had little time left for Second Life. I haven't been able to be inworld since just before Christmas 2008 and I don't see additional free time appearing to change that. These past few months I have mulled over the best way to wind things down. Actually both Sue Stonebender(my partner) and I are both winding down and going to slowly withdraw our business presences from Second Life entirely. I was reading something the other day that struck me positively. "In the end is our beginning."...although there are drastic changes that may affect visitors and customers that have been travelling with me since 2004, change is inevitable and I certainly don't want to pull things down too quickly.

#1) The first of the changes is to consolidate stores and resources with my SL partner Sue Stonebender whom is now on my sim "The Nameless Isle." She's recently sold both of her sims, Ad Lucem and Intemptesta Nox. We share store space and both can be located at SLurl: http://slurl.com/secondlife/The%20Nameless%20Isle/85/174/697/

Relic is on West side, Serendipity Studios is at the East.

#2) We've consolidated customer service managers into one avatar. "RelicAndSerendipity Unplugged". Over the course of the next 7-10 days we'll have this avatar handling full customer service for both of us, contact details will be in our profiles as soon as the transition is complete. Emails to Baron Grayson and Sue Stonebender will be automatically forwarded to customer service. A direct email is customerservice@baronandsue.com.

#3) We have consolidated all of our past announcement groups into one subscribe-o-matic. All of your signups have been for receiving announcements by us regarding sim, store, and event news. However....as you well know, inworld communications can be hit and miss and more often than not, announcements do not go out, and are untimely at best. We still have people that belong to the old Tryst group because they never got announcement that Tryst dissolved early 2008, for example. To solve the holes in communication all group members from old Tryst, Relic, The Nameless Isle and Serendipity Studios groups are now part of a single subscribe-o-matic group. There is nothing that needs to be done on your part. The consolidation is automated. If, however, you would like to unsubscribe, the location to the subscribe-o-matic is on The Nameless Isle in the store. Simply touch the object once and your name will be taken off of our announcement list. You will no longer receive news regarding developments.

SLurl: http://slurl.com/secondlife/The%20Nameless%20Isle/85/174/697/
Features of subscribe-o-matic: http://www.subscribeomatic.com/pages/tour

#5) We both are winding down our businesses.

- First stage, is condense our virtual shops into one location which we are doing now.
- We maintain our merged store for 2 months inworld on "The Nameless Isle" SIM.
- We transfer our inventory to online purchase through Xstreet only. The stores inworld will be closed completely. We will maintain our inventory online through Christmas of 2009.
- When our inworld presence is transferred to Xstreet, I will be transferring ownership of the sim to a new, private buyer. The Nameless Isle will be closed.

#6) I will be closing my NING community website. It was brilliant when I was able to maintain it, but as I have not logged into that community since my RL has drastically changed, I regretfully must let it go. It wouldn't make sense to maintain a community I am no longer an active part of. I will be closing the nameless isle @ Ning site 1 week from now. The last day will be April 17th, 2009. If you have pictures or posts you would like to archive, this allows generous time to do so before I pull the plug.

If there is something you'd like to visit on the sim, that you have not yet visited, there is still a solid 2 months to do so.

Announcements will be made as we move through these changes, to the new subscribeomatic group. Membership in this group is automatic. If you're a member of our groups now, you're a member of our subscribeomatic group.

Thank you everyone for your wonderful support over the years, the magical experiences and the opportunity to play with imagination.

Baron Grayson
RELIC, since 2004
The Nameless Isle SIM

Posted by Coral at 17:01│Comments(2)Favorite

 好きなものにかこまれて (2015-07-15 17:50)
 ペニーレイン。小糠雨を買いました。 (2015-03-14 16:17)
 クリスマスオーナメント。アーケードガチャ (2014-12-03 18:00)
 アーケードガチャ。の記録。 (2014-09-08 10:10)
 ガチャのレア、いりませんか? (2014-06-09 11:35)
 マーケットプレイスのみのショップ (2014-01-23 09:38)
Posted by kyotakyota at 2009年04月18日 17:16





Posted by CoralCoral at 2009年04月18日 17:41